Game Mechanics: Legacy games
Let's talk about Legacy game mechanics. Traditionally, when you are done playing a game, all the rules and cards and components stay the same. The next time you play, you are playing the same game.
Game Mechanic: Action Point Allowance System
A popular game mechanic is the Action Point Alliance System. It's a common and simple mechanic. Each turn you get a number of actions you can use. ...
Get your young into board gaming
Most of the games I sell is for 10 years old and up, but you should get your young children into board gaming early. Maybe not when they are toddlers, but a little older than that.
Up and Coming Game: Nemesis
Nemesis has just had a very successful Kickstarter campaign. This new board game, designed by Adam Kwapiński, is the result of a collaboration betw...
My Little Scythe
Coming in August 17 is the new game, Little Scythe, from Stonemeier Games. Inspired by the popular game, Scythe, Hoby Chou and his daughter, Vienna Chou designed a print and play game.
Let's play Ameritrash games
The term Ameritrash is a term for American style games. Some may get offended by such a term, but it has been embraced by fans of this style of gam...
Game Mechanic: Resource Management
In a resource management game, the main mechanic is for the player to collect resources that can be used to build things, upgrade, or accomplish the goals of the game.
My review of Hero Realms
Hero Realms is a fun and easy to learn deck building game. I played with my daughter since she was 10. She is 11 now. What I like about this game is its easy to learn rules. My daughter picked up the game very quickly.
Game Mechanic: Worker Placement
The game mechanic Worker Placement or more precisely Action Drafting requires you select an action that is available to all players in a game. It is the most popular of the Euro-style games.
Mage Knight: Ultimate Edition
I only recently head of Mage Knight and how people rave about this game especially playing this game in solo mode. It was out of print it seems, but looks like it is coming back as the Ultimate Edition.
Shuffle Building Defined
Another game mechanic that is called shuffle building. Some could say it is an off shoot of deck building mechanic that is very popular.
Dice Rolling
Dice rolling games has been around for centuries. Basically you roll dice and get results by chance. You have no control of the outcome. It's a random element of the game which makes it unpredictable and exciting.